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What You can expect:

  • You can expect personal attention.  I take the word “personal” in personal trainer very seriously.  I keep my clientele numbers low so I can work closely with each individual during their contracted time.

  • You can expect to receive a weekly plan each Friday for the following week that outlines your physical workouts. 

  • You will receive the necessary information to succeed in each workout; be it a video demonstration, a supplemental article or a detailed explanation of each workout, etc.

  • You can expect involvement and encouragement in your workouts. 

    • If you are local, each week I will meet with you for a workout.

    • ​If you are a distant client, I will do my best to visit periodically to ensure personal contact is being made and relationship established. 

  • There will be an event at the end of each contracted time.  I will either be participating alongside you as a coach, or I will be there as your Sherpa.  I will pass along all necessary information and will make all the necessary arrangements for housing us.  (Please see Payment Expectation for details on event expectations.)


  • You can expect a Her Disciplined Heart principle lesson, linking a physical discipline with a spiritual discipline.

  • Each week I will meet to discuss the Her Disciplined Heart lesson, be it by phone or in person.  


  • You can expect - again - that I am here to help you in your venture. I am available to Skype, Zoom, text, call or meet over coffee in order to answer any questions you have.



What I expect:

  • Because I keep my clientele numbers low and invest my time into you and your success, I expect you to do the given work during the contracted time.

  • Look over your given plans and prepare your week accordingly.  There are going to be times when you may have to switch a workout or two around.  This is usually not a problem.  If you are unsure, ask!  I am here to help! 

  • An account with Strava or Garmin.  This will help me track your workouts and see how you are progressing.  It helps me plan for the future.

  • If you need help, ask.  Seriously!  I have plenty of tools and resources available and I do love to learn, to research and to try new methods.  If you aren’t sure what to do, if you need extra explanation, if you are having trouble in any of the given workouts, please, please, please ask! 

  • If you are local, and we have a workout planned, please show up on time. 

    • If you are a distant client, though I will do my best to be as personal as I can, it may be good for you to find an accountability partner there in your area to workout with at times. 

  • I expect your participation in your chosen event.  You will need to prepare and cover these expenses (see Payment Expectations for more information).

  • I expect that the weekly Her Disciplined Heart lesson, linking a physical discipline with a spiritual discipline, be read and ready to be discussed. 

  • I expect to discuss the Her Disciplined Heart lesson given each week. 

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