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At the heart of what I do.

“Why participate in events such as marathons, Ironman, and the like?  Why put so much effort into the training and the physical discipline required?” 

The answers are actually embedded in the questions. 

Though I grew up in the church, accepted Christ in fifth grade, and “did ministry,” it wasn’t until my late 30’s when a real and heart-beating relationship with God truly began.  With the new relationship, new spiritual disciplines were developed.  These disciplines strengthened my heart to love God more passionately; and it would be same disciplines that would compliment and be complimented by a stronger and healthier physical heart and body. 

In my early forties, God then developed in me a desire to truly live for and serve Him passionately.  However, I was out of shape physically and realized I was not honoring Him with my physical habits.  I had always been active, but had lacked the long-term discipline that was required to really be the healthy, strong, active woman God Himself had handcrafted me to be.  


As I began to train with a group of amazing athletes who would inspire, challenge, and encourage me in ways I had never experienced before, I quickly realized the disciplines being required in my physical growth were very similar and intertwined with the disciplines required for my spiritual growth. 

The dedication, the perseverance, the drive, and the information - tools and skills required of me to cross an Ironman finish line - were deepening my drive, perseverance, resolve and dedication on the course to cross the Ultimate Finish Line.  To hear, “Julie, you are an Ironman!” will pale in comparison to crossing THE Finish Line hearing, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”  No wonder God would use such analogies through the writings and lives of His own men and women; even Jesus Himself used such analogies!

So, why do I put in the effort, time and resources to discipline and train my body to compete in events such as a marathon or an Ironman?  My resolve to follow my Lord Jesus Christ, the disciplines necessary to strengthen my Christian walk, the tenacity and humility and drive and compassion that it takes to cross the Ultimate Finish Line are realized more fully and strengthened in the training of my physical body! 

It is my passion, my drive, and my heartbeat to faithfully and healthfully serve my God by ensuring that I care appropriately and actively for both my physical body and my spiritual body.  And it is an extension of that passion, drive, and heartbeat to faithfully serve my God by inspiring other women to challenge themselves to be strong and fit, both physically and spiritually, and to encourage them as God leads.

Credential Opportunities:

Grace University


Bachelor of Science

Ministry and Bible

Certificate of Excellence

Top Student Award

American Council on Exercise

(ACE) 2020

Certificate of Completion

Certified Personal Trainer​

Southwestern College, CA


Associates of Science

Fire Science Technology

Event Opportunities:

Dallas Marathon 2010, 2019

Twin Cities Marathon 2011

Lincoln Marathon 2011

Fargo Half 2012

Dallas Half 2012

St. Louis Rock N' Roll Half 2015

New Orleans Rock N' Roll Half 2016
Omaha Half 2011

Omahalf 2017, 2019

Omaha Women's Triathlon 2011

Wisconsin Ironman 70.3 2017

Boulder Ironman 70.3 2019

Louisville Ironman 2019 

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