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Week #.
This week we are focusing on hydration.

Monday - Cross Train with Strength. 

Repeat last weeks so we have another recording of repetitions.


Tuesday - We will meet together to run.  I cannot wait!  We are going to be running the "Speed Play" that you have been running.  I cannot wait to run this with you.

Wednesday - Hill Repeats.  Are you loving hills yet??  🙂 

I will be running hills very early that morning if you would like to meet me super early.

5 minute walk

5 minute run zone 2 

Repeat 6x: 

30 seconds up a hill at zone 5, 90 seconds down the hill.

5 minute walk cool down


Thursday - Foundational Run.

This is just an easy basic run.  Because of the heat, or hills, you may be walking quite a bit of this.  That is OK!

5 minute walk

20 minute run in zone 2

5 minute walk


Friday - Fast Finish 2 Run

5 minute walk

20 minute run in zone 2

5 minute run in zone 3.  (Unless it is too hot or too hilly, try not to walk during this last 5 minutes.)

Saturday - Recovery Run

30 minute walk. 

We call it a "recovery run" but in reality this is almost always walked!

Sunday - Rest.  


Water, Water, Water!  Other forms of liquid work, but our bodies need clean, pure water the most!


Have your hydration plan in place and ready to go for the next day!

Eat your fill!  Watermelon, Cucumbers, Berries, Cold Soups, Smoothies...

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